House File Control

The most common fly is the house fly; it makes up 90 percent of all flies that hang around humans. The house fly is gray and about 1/4 inch long, with longitudinal dark stripes on the top of the thorax. The sex of a house fly can be determined by the distance between their eyes (females have a wider distance). Also, the female is usually larger than the male. House flies have been known to migrate up to 20 miles, although typically they will stay within a quarter mile of their release point or larval habitat. These flies are attracted to buildings or homes via air current-borne odors, and they like temperatures around 83 degrees Fahrenheit. On cooler days, flies are usually found around doors and windows of dwellings. During the day, house flies will fly or rest less than five feet above ground, whereas at night, they tend to fly and rest above five feet. Flies have been known to harbor over 100 different diseases, ranging from typhoid fever to salmonella.

Why they Produce / Prevention

  • Garbage cans and dumpsters should have tight-fitting lids and be cleaned regularly.
  • Drainage will often aid control, getting rid of extra moisture.
  • Openings of buildings should be tightly screened with screen.


Fly infestations almost always indicate some kind of sanitation problem. Your Clark technician can point out what’s causing the flies to infest your property, and can advise you on how you can take care of it.

Commercial Pest Control

Construction Pest Control

Mosquito/Flies Pest Control

Mosquito are small flying insects that usually present in the dark and dirty places, corner’s of the room and offices and many other places. They are samll in size but give many harmful infection into the human body in some cases person may die.If he /she doesn’t given proper treatment they maybe die,including babies and children who are bitten by mosquitoes carrying WNV symptoms or a very mild illness.
Mosquitoes are a nuisance all over the country. However, Texas has an especially large population and numerous species of these annoying pests. As you may already know the species found here are particularly aggressive and feed both day and night. “Everything is bigger in Texas” most definitely applies to our mosquitoes. The most alarming concern lately has been the increase in serious health risk spread by mosquitos such as Zika, West Nile, and Denghi. That is why we have made it our mission to eliminate these invaders from your property.

Comprehensive Treatment Method

Our comprehensive treatment method is proven to be effective and completely safe for you and your family. Our service techniques are comprised of three main components designed to get the best results which consistently eliminate 95% of mosquitos around your home.

  • First, we use specialized power misters that are able to get into every crack, crevice, and surround all your vegetation where mosquitos live and breed.
  • Second, we use highly effective products that kill on contact to give you immediate results.
  • Third, we apply a proven natural essential oil-based product that repels additional mosquitos from coming too close, to you property, more effectively than deet or any other product on the market.

Budget friendly Mosquito services

This service provides a 30 day barrier, so we have created a monthly treatment program that not only saves you money but also gives you relief from being bitten all season long.